Bexar County police steal 32yr old's belongings.
The Bexar County police have never been known in San Antonio, Texas for being the nicely tipe. This company has uncovered a massive puppeteering scam. This involved not just the Bexar County Police Department, but the San Antonio Police Department and the Converse Police Department. this 32yr old has been trying to report all of this evidence for nearly a year. Ever since Jan. 26, 2021 this transgenders woman has walked in, called, and even pulled the random officer to the side. none of the above named Police Departments have even let her make/file a report. click below to see the picture evidence and hear her story.
from the horses mouth
A lost investment found
On Dec. 7, 2021 Vixensoft (Cybersecurity & More) was asked to look in to some missing paperwork. This paperwork contained purchased Stocks in a business. Calls were made, permission was granted, and off we went. In little under 20 minutes the files were found to be corrupted. after a few more phone conversations, permission was granted to fix. Our customer (who wishes to be unnamed) now has all their paperwork in order.